
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Self Publishing: Will it be a better alternative over traditional publishing? #EbooksPublishing

Self Publishing: Will it be a better alternative over traditional publishing? #EbooksPublishing

There is always a big discussion about traditional publishing and self-publishing, but when your work is not getting readers, whatever way you had used to publish this book will look worse than the other option. Many times, a writer needs to consider this over traditional publishing.

Have good understanding of the market for your work

A lot of poetry books are great for this mode of publishing as often there is not a big market for poetry. However, a fiction book is not a good idea for this mode, since a lot of time and energy will be spent trying to get a small audience. Nonfiction is one sort of book which could be traditionally published; again one must know the market. Do some good research and gain knowledge about a book you are going to write. This is where dreams hit the facts. Can a book you have written good for publishers, either a large publishers, or a small press. Would you book be self-published and have a good return from it? Are you willing to do more to publicize and promote you as an author and you as a writer? Can you handle all these tasks?

Give your time and money for your passion

A lot of writers love to choose this mode of publishing when there have been countless rejections from traditional publishers. Well I would say, it is a good idea to evaluate the reasons of rejection of your book. If many of the rejections do not offer concrete suggestions, this means a lot of editing and rewriting is in order. In that scenario, you should not self-publish without a professional editor. This type of publishing is something you should reasonably do after research and professional editing by some expert over your work.

It's all about the passion to deal with the hidden challenges

If your confident answer is a yes, then this mode of publishing is something suitable for you. You might be enjoying the process of doing. Believe me, it sounds easy but not that simple to consider. You have to consider the possibility of both success and not as much success. A company can only help you in setting up a marketing plan for your work, but you as a writer need to be passionate about what you have written and edited and plan to publish.

A good understanding of what will and will not work in this mode of publishing is a must to be successful self published writer. So, carefully step ahead with a great amount of research behind each step and be confident about your work. Lot of success stories are in the world of self published writers but there are millions failed attempts too.

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