
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Easy Ways To Build An Ebook Empire #EbooksPublishing

Easy Ways To Build An Ebook Empire #EbooksPublishing

Publishing niche ebooks is a business model that works. And any one can do it! I know what you're thinking, "I can't write a sentence never mind a book, and what would I write about any way? And how do I know if any one would want to buy it".

Boy, you're a real pessimist aren't you. While it is true that finding niches to exploit can be hard work, time consuming and depressing if you can't find any. Well stop worrying and pay attention. I'll show you some easy ways to find all the niches you could want and then some.

First of all find some keyword search tools such as or Keyword Search Engine. Don't worry they won't cost you anything. Just go to one of these sites and type in niche markets that interest you. For example if you're interested in Cockatiels, you'd type in the word "cockatiel". Then make lists of all the words that appear in the list. These are all your sub niches. You can go one step further, for instance you typed in the word cockatiel, and one of the sub niches was "cockatiel care". Use that as your keyword and you get another list of words. These are all potential niches for you to write about and profit from.

Another great resource tool for Niche publishers are online booksellers such as Go to one of these sites and type in a description for a niche you'd like to write about. Maybe something like "Decorating", just scroll through the results, and write down a list of ideas that appeal to you. Like "Decorating on a budget" or "Decorating with junk". Now you're thinking " How the Heck can I compete with companies like Amazon. You won't have to; you're appealing to a different market. And your customers will get instant gratification. They won't have to wait days for the book to be delivered.

Another amazing research tool is these guys have made an art form of creating niche products. Just browse the titles for niches that inspire you.

Article directories are probably one of the best tools for finding niches around which to write ebooks. is just one of many sites you can go to, type in a subject and get thousands of results, all of which are potential niches, and potential profits.

The most important step now is to go to keyword tracking sites and type in your topics. If the results show that at least five thousand people a month are searching for information on you're topic, then you've found a niche market that could be very profitable.

Just a word of caution at this point. You're not going to become a millionaire overnight. It's probably impossible to set up a website sit back and get rich. If you believe the hype in most Internet Marketing, it's just a matter of buying the right product and then laughing your way to the bank. Frankly if it was that easy we'd be ass deep in millionaires. However, done properly ebook publishing can seriously improve your financial situation.

The aim here is not to become an instant millionaire. We want to build a publishing empire. Lots of small sites, each earning around 1000 dollars a month. The key is in finding that endless supply of niche ideas. Then all you need do is create the products.

"All you need do is create the products"! That's easy for you to say, you're probably thinking. Well it's actually not that difficult. If you can write your own ebooks, fine, go ahead. If you can't, don't worry. You don't need to write a single word. You can hire people to do it for you. Go to This is a site where freelance writers will bid to write the book for you.
You want to be an Internet Marketer, not a writer. Find your niche, get your product created, set up your website and publicise it. Do it again, and again, and again.

And remember, another amazing thing about downloadable information products is the have a high perceived value. If you sold your product as a real book on amazon you might charge fifteen dollars for it. However, selling it as a downloadable info product, you can charge up to fifty dollars. Mad but wonderful.

The plan is to create multiple streams of income. As many niches as you can dream up.With the Internet and this plan for creating niche info products, you can achieve financial independence, even earning money while you're asleep or on vacation.

Source: Kevin Cooper


  1. This is great for people wanting to start an ebook. Great piece of information.

  2. Reading your article everything seems to be so easy, but experience (I have some friends) show it is not so easy. But it is definitely worth it if you want your books to be published!

    1. Self-publishing is easy if you've learned the ropes of publishing online. For me too, I've experienced the hardship but I was determined to publish my ebook. Thanks Loredana

  3. I do not have a single e-book yet, so I do not think I can envision an empire. One baby step at a time first for me.

    1. Okay, your first step must be now na...more on your site to start. Good luck Fred...I'll help if you want me to. Thank you!

  4. I don't plan on publishing an ebook any time soon, but these could also be applied when researching for work! Thanks for the tips.

  5. An ebook empire ha? I can't even write a single book yet but I have tried haha. Guess I'm not inspired yet or maybe it just isn't time for me yet to author a whole book, let alone an army of them online. It's good to know that it's easy to do now for would be book writers. :)

    1. Yes Anne...the thing is we have to look bigger and work bigger than what we expect in life. Just try it...thanks

  6. This post should be read by my sister and her friend who are both into making stories. Actually, they are currently making one so I'm sure your tips would help them a lot.

    1. Sure it can help to them..Yvonne. Thank you for recommending this article or site.

  7. I would soon have my e-book. And yes, an empire would be on my way! haha thanks for sharing this Fernando! :D

    1. I'm watching Raymond....great to know! Be determined! Thank you so much!

  8. I really find it hard to write long essay, stories or such. But this a very helpful guide for anyone out there who are planning to publish an ebook. :)

  9. I've always believed that writing an ebook is way easier than writing an actual book. At least with ebooks, you can market your works easier online and see the response of your market. It may sound easy but it is also hard work. One of my to do list before turning 30 would be to publish an ebook or a physical book. :)

  10. Wonderful tips specially for newbies who want to write and at the same time want to make it interesting as well.

  11. I think finding topics similar to your niche can really inspire you to write. This can really allow the creativity to flow in.

  12. Wow... A very interesting read. Thanks for the tips. Who know I will be publishing my own book one day..

  13. I agree with what you say, but besides creating products, one gotta create valuable and shareable products so that it's worthy!

  14. Amazon is definitely one of (if not "the") the greatest resource tool for Niche publishers.

  15. I have yet to get my first try at writing an ebook, let's start with that and then after, think of an empire.
