
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Write An eBook: 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Begin #EBookPublishing

Write An eBook: 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Begin #EBookPublishing

All writers have similar ways on how to write, some have done it differently. They have spent an inappropriate proportion of their income on writing, publishing, and marketing their eBooks, and they don't have any revenue to validate the spending.

Every single author on this planet that wants to publish an eBook would ask the following questions before beginning to write. These few questions you should ask to yourself to avoid an entrepreneurial seizure combined with writers inspiration.

Writing an eBook is hard work. Well, if you haven't been exposed to the efficient systems. Marketing an eBook is a tough job itself. This is where most writers get lost. They love the technical part of self-publishing, the writing, but they seize up on their managerial and entrepreneurial duties.

If you cannot provide an answer to the following questions, you should NOT be writing an eBook because there is a high probability that you will not be able to sell the book.

The following are the questions you may ask yourself before beginning a new piece of work:

1. What is the purpose of this eBook? Give a one sentence answer to this question. DO NOT make the purpose of the book anything about you, make the emphasis on the reader. The purpose of the ebook is not to provide you with additional income, the purpose of the ebook is to inform the reader on XYZ.

2. Who is the target market for this eBook? This is so important, as every good copywriter knows. If you don't know your target audience, their demographics, education level, etc, why are you even bothering to self-publish this amazon kindle eBook? Defining your target market in the beginning aids you in writing clearly, as well as being persuasive. You are more persuasive because you are able to write directly "to them," instead of a broad general audience.

3. Why should people spend time and money on this eBook? Provide a short answer. A lot of people will be asking you this question, and you need to be able to blurt it out quick, while you still have their attention.

4. Is your price set correctly? Can the people in your target market, afford to purchase this eBook? They may not be able to. Do not choose a target market that has no money to spend.

5. Other than Amazon, where can you sell your book? For this, you again, need to research your target market. What media does your target audience interact with on a regular basis? What professional associations are they a member of? Do they subscribe to any newsletters? Is their a hobby they all participate in?

6. What areas do you have expertise in, that are directly related to the topic of your eBook?Expertise is what builds up your credibility. This is crucial when it comes to marketing your eBook.

7. If you are not an expert, how do you become an expert? Join a couple trade organizations related to your topic. Speak on the topic at a local university.

8. What additional products or services can you bundle with the eBook? If your not in it for the money, you can skip this. But really, you should generate revenue, at least to fund your self-publishing career. Now, if you would like to maximize your revenue, you will want to bundle your eBook with other forms of media. You could combine the eBook with some video, audio, or software, or all three, to add-value and warrant a higher price.

9. How much do you know about marketing an eBook? If you are unsure, start learning IMMEDIATELY. Sign up for the eBook Creator Masters Program and become a pro at utilizing the promotional techniques outlined in the course.

Do not wait until your eBook is finished to begin promoting it. You will need to consider many things before you publish, but these questions are a great place to start.


  1. dude, this a post I really need. alam mo naman I am planning to make a bookout of my poems. I'll just beep you na lang when I have compiled my poems.

    1. That's true, I could help you with this one. Keep learning and be determined to successful ebook publishing.

  2. These are great tips for ebook publishing. For those who want to publish an ebook, this post is a must-read!

    1. Yes, a must read for beginners and new ebook writer.

  3. Wow. Looks like everyone can write or makeup his own ebook now. Let's see who makes it to the marketplace! :D I think with the guidelines you said, I won't be able to finish some. Especially because I am not really 'that good' in English. Oh wait, I can write in Filipino! LOL! So, have you started yours!?

    1. Really, I experienced hardship before but I really tried my best to learn the ropes of ebook publishing online.

  4. I've been writing stories but I never want to publish them. I just can't keep up and the construction of my stories are just fast-paced that I would think I prematurely went to another chapter with just few pages.

    Thanks for this one as I'll know where to publish my stories. I know this will be hard and arduous process but who knows, I might publish one soon! :D

  5. I always wanted to know the mechanics of writing an ebook since I want to do one with my literary works.

  6. I admire those writers who venture into digital writing. E-books are easily accessible with just a quick click to download.

  7. Tom Corson-Knowles, the author who founded Bestseller Ranking Pro, spent six long years trying to get a traditional publishing deal (and failed miserably). He finally decided to self publish his first book on Kindle in February, 2012.

    That one decision changed his life (and the lives of the more than 30,000 authors he's since taught how to write, publish and market their books professionally).

    Just twelve months after self publishing his first book, Tom had his first $12,000+ month from Kindle ebook royalties alone.

    In Bestseller Ranking Pro, Tom will share with you his step-by-step system for becoming a bestselling author.

    These strategies have also helped Tom and his private publishing clients create more than sixty-seven #1 Amazon bestselling books and counting.

    If you're going to write, publish or promote a book this year, you need to see this:
